Welcome The Red Owls
Our class teachers are Mrs Fox and Miss Boon and Mr Bailey is our student teacher.
Mrs Hayes also works in our classroom.
Mrs Hayes also works in our classroom.

Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Our library session is on a Monday and this is when our reading books are changed. Parents are welcome to change books after school, on any day.
We are expected to read regularly at home. Everytime we read, we earn a tick. When we complete 5 reads, we get a raffle ticket to enter the school reading raffle.
We are expected to go on to TTRS and practise our times tables and we have spellings to learn. Our spellings get given on a Thursday and our spelling test is on a Wednesday.
Class Dojo:
We have a Class Dojo page where we communicate with parents and regularly send updates about our learning. Please log in regularly for updates.
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