Welcome to the Eagle Owls

Teachers in Eagle Owls
Miss Thistlewood– Class teacher
Mr Hanson– HLTA
Miss Walton– HLTA
Miss Morley– TA afternoon 
Eagle Owls are a year 6 class. We are eager to learn new concepts as we thrive to try our hardest at everything we do. 
PE days
Monday- indoor
Tuesday- outdoor
Please ensure appropriate school PE is worn on these days. 
Homework Homework will be sent out every Thursday. 
This will include:
Timetable Rock Stars challenges
Reading records- When you read five times, a raffle ticket will be added to the book raffle. 
Comprehension will be handed out every 2 weeks. 
Homework grid:

This is optional half-termly homework. You can interpret the tasks and complete as many as you like. Either send a picture to your teacher over dojo or bring it in to show your class.