Behaviour Principles
In light of the need for children to behave differently and to follow specific rules on their return to school during the Covid-19 epidemic, this amendment to the Behaviour Policy outlines specific changes to guidance that pupils will have to follow. Our guiding principle when making any changes or adjustments to policy is to be able to keep all of our children, families and staff safe and place their wellbeing at the forefront of everything we do.
These amendments will need to be communicated to pupils, parents and staff.
Behaviour Expectations:
- amended expectations about breaks or play times, including where children may or may not play
- clear rules about coughing or spitting at or towards any other person
- rewards and sanction system where appropriate if changed from main body of policy
- clear rules for pupils at home about conduct in relation to remote education
- Identify any reasonable adjustments that need to be made for students with more challenging behaviour.
School Routines and Procedures:
- following any altered routines for arrival or departure
- following instructions on who pupils can socialise with at school
- moving around the school as per specific instructions (for example, one-way systems, out of bounds areas, queuing)
- rules about sharing any equipment or other items including drinking bottles
- use of toilets
Hygiene and Health Expectations:
- following school instructions on hygiene, such as handwashing and sanitising
- expectations about sneezing, coughing, tissues and disposal (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’) and avoiding touching your mouth, nose and eyes with hands
- tell an adult if you are experiencing symptoms of coronavirus
Mental Health and Emotional and Spiritual Support:
- Curriculum changes to support children, e.g. social stories, circle time, PHSE, collective worship focus
- Additional support that pupils can access above and beyond classroom provision if required
Code of Behaviour
Each class makes up class rules at the beginning of the year which everyone agrees will assist learning and facilitate a happy classroom environment.
There is an expectation of high standards of personal behaviour and respect for others which we hope parents/carers will encourage and support.
Children’s achievements are celebrated in a ‘Special Mentions’ Celebration Assembly held every Friday. They do find this very motivating. Rewards also include stickers, certificates, praise and the opportunity to share their work with other staff and children. Considerate behaviour is also noticed at break and lunch times.
Everyone has the right to:
- feel safe, cared for and respected
- be able to learn to the best of his/her ability and to develop whatever skills he/she possesses
- be treated equally irrespective of gender, race, physical characteristics or any other factors
- learn and play with out disruption.
Everyone is expected to:
- be responsible for their own behaviour
- respect the rights of others.
We say No to Bullying, whether verbal or physical; it has no place in our school. We ask for all parents and pupils to help us by reporting immediately any incidents so that we can deal firmly and fairly with any bullies, involving parents if appropriate.