If children are well enough to attend school, we are able to administer medically prescribed medicines.
The following procedure should be followed:
- Where possible medication should be administered by the parent / carer at the start of the school day.
- We will only administer medicines that are taken 4 or more times a day.
- Parents/carers must deliver prescribed medication to the school office staff.
- Medication must be in a sealed container/packet clearly named. Out of date medicines cannot be administered.
- Medicines must pass from adult to adult – children should not handle medicines.
- Medicines requiring refrigeration will be stored in a fridge.
- Medicines will be administered by a staff member with an additional adult present to sign the administering medicine form (kept in the school office)
- It would be helpful if you could remind your child to go for their medicine at the appropriate time – this is their responsibility.
- If necessary, medicines will be returned to parents/carers at the end of the day, via your child’s class teacher at dismissal time or they can be collected from the school office.
- When children attend after school clubs parents/carers are responsible for making arrangements for administration of medicines with club providers.
Thank you for you cooperation, which will enable the administration of medicines to run smoothly.